How to Feel Healthy (but not deprived) Over the Holidays

Believe it or not, the 2021 holiday season is just around the corner.


We often push off our health goals for the New Year.

I think of health and and nutrition like a pendulum. Sometimes we’re in the headspace of restriction (think New Year’s crash diets, Whole 30’s, dry January, etc…) or in the opposite headspace of f*ck it (think I’m eating this entire wheel of brie, I’ll take my third glass of wine, I’ll wait until 2022 to get healthy, etc….

Instead of being too extreme in either direction, what if you pushed aside any New Year’s detox plans, gave yourself permission to ENJOY the holiday season, and looked at nutrition through the lense of balance and sustainability?

Read on for five simple tips for navigating the holiday season in a healthy way.

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  1. Balance Rest and Exercise

    The holidays are a time of rest and relaxation. Our bodies are in overdrive, and after 2021, needless to say, we’re carrying more stress than usual. Allow yourself ample time to rest and recharge, but also notice the need for movement. Block off you calendar before the holiday for times to do your at home workouts or go to your gym (if safely open). Remember, it’s about maintaining the habit, so if exercise over the holidays looks like a five minute walk that is okay too.

  2. Plan Ahead or Eat Ahead of Time

    Sounds counterintuitive, but sometimes eating ahead of time can spare you from making an unhealthy choice. I often hear from my clients that they struggle to make a healthy choice due to what is put out in front of them at a family meal.

    If you have a feeling there won’t be healthy option available, have a small high protein snack before a family meal (like a hard boiled egg or half a banana with almond butter) to help keep you full instead of gorging over the charcuterie board.

  3. Start with Something Green

    Trick your brain! By starting with a leafy green vegetable, you are rewiring and “tricking” your brain. You are more likely to continue to make healthy choices if you start with something nutritious and green.

  4. Hydrate and Go easy with the Booze

    Drink water! We often mistake our hunger for thirst. If you feel a craving coming on try having a glass of water before indulging. Alcohol is full of sugar, causing you to overeat both while drinking and the day after. Say cheers and enjoy, but remember the pendulum and don’t overdo it. Try alternating alcoholic drinks with water or sparkling water to avoid the hangover.

  5. Enjoy and Don’t Feel Guilty

    The holidays are a time to celebrate and after 2021, we need it! Food is made for our pleasure, so if you have a piece of cake and some champagne, be intentional, present with it, and ENJOY.

    A healthy life is all about balance. If you can exercise and eat health 80-90% of the time, that’s all you need!

Want some some extra help navigating the holidays? Schedule your free 20 minute call and let’s find the best food for your body.

Self-CareGeorgia Grey